Fees & Registration
On-site participation
In-presence participation is limited to 35 people max. It is possible to apply until September 10, 2021, at this link . Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis.
The in-person registration includes drinks and buffet dinners during the social activities.
The registration to the conference is free of charge for Master Students.
The fee for PhD Students, PostDocs and other Academics and Non-Academics, is 30 €.
The participation in the Gala dinner on September 15th is optional and has the cost of 50 €.
Online participation
Online attendance is free of charge. It is possible to register at https://bit.ly/BeAResearcher_RegO
Please note that social activities are for on-site attendees only. Workshops for online and on-site attendees might be different (please see Programme for details)
To register for your participation use the buttons below. Please indicate how many days you plan to stay and which workshops you plan to attend in the registration form.